
Dr.  Marilyn Martinez, Superintendent of Schools
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Gifted & Talented


About the Gifted and Talented Program

Pleasantville Public School’s Gifted and Talented Program  is for students throughout the city in grades 2-8 who have qualified at the highest level through the gifted screening and identification process. These students need the challenge of a curriculum with the highest rigor and expectations that will meet the students’ social, emotional, and academic needs. Students are grouped together in classrooms with other high-achieving students where they work at an accelerated pace in all core subject areas, The Arts, as well as engage in additional differentiated lessons, activities and project-based learning. 

G&T Parent Referral click here .


Referral, Screening, Identification & Selection of Students

  • Referral

All students not previously identified shall be eligible for referral for the program each year.  Referrals shall be based on evidence of high-level reasoning ability and/or the development of unique products that demonstrate unusual academic and/or artistic ability.

Students in the Pleasantville Public Schools will be assessed for Gifted and Talented starting in mid-February of each school year, using multiple measures that may include:

• Cognitive Abilities Test
• NJSLA scores
• Teacher Questionnaire
• Student Essay
• Unit Assessments
• Portfolio of Student Work
• Grade Point Average (Report Card)
• Attendance/Late Reports/Tardies


The screening process will use existing data on the students at target grade levels.

  • Spring NJSLA results will be used for students currently in Grades 3-7 as a screening measure for achievement in academic areas assessed. * Unit Assessments will be used for students currently in Grades 2 as a screening measure for achievement in academic areas assessed.


This stage of the process requires the use of more off-level assessments to discern who top students are in each domain.  The Cognitive Abilities Test is used at all grade levels to find the most promising students in three domains: verbal, mathematical, and nonverbal.  Since the program will be organized in the multiple areas; Mathematics, English, and Science, these aptitude scores will be useful in rank ordering the students within each area for selection of the top 10% at a given grade level.  In addition to the COGAT, it is important to obtain teacher recommendations on these learners in their area of strength, with appropriate indicators for aptitude in these areas.  The Arts will be assessed using student portfolio and teacher recommendation.

Students in the Pleasantville Public Schools will be assessed for Gifted and Talented starting in mid-February of each school year, using multiple measures that may include:
• Cognitive Abilities Test
• NJSLA scores
• Teacher Questionnaire/Recommendations
• Student Essay
• Unit Assessments
• Grade Point Average (Report Card)
• Attendance/Late Reports/Tardies

• Portfolio of Student Work


A selection committee, whose members have received training in gifted education, will review all applications as they are received. This committee makes the final decision as to which students qualify for the program. It is important to ensure that underrepresented groups, inclusive of English language learners and those with Individualized Education Plans or 504 plans are considered for selection. The use of nonverbal measures and the use of domain-specific scores should help with inclusion. However, a selection committee will review the files of students selected for the program to ensure that these groups are represented, and evidence considered that would be important to their inclusion. Any new students entering the Pleasantville Public Schools who are identified from another school district and miss the spring identification sessions will be screened during the first six weeks of the school year. Students must be enrolled and attending to participate in the Identification Process. Parents/Guardians should call the Deputy Director of Accelerated & Innovative Programs to plan to have their child screened.